CD School House 10
CD School House - Education and Games (10.0) - Wayzata Technology (1995).iso
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991 lines
____|__ | (TM)
--| | |-------------------
| ____|__ | Association of
| | |_| Shareware
|__| o | Professionals
-----| | |---------------------
|___|___| MEMBER
Copyright 1991-1993 by Chuck Steenburgh & Tay-Jee Software
Page 1
Definition of Shareware . . . . . . . . . . 3
Distribution Limitations. . . . . . . . . . 3
ASP Ombudsman . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Disclaimer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Starting Power C Shell Version 2.2 . . . . . . 6
Running Power C Shell 6
Configuring PCS 6
Installing PCS 7
Power C Shell Display. . . . . . . . . . . 8
Power C Shell Menu Options . . . . . . . . . 9
Files Menu 9
Operations Menu 10
Configuration Menu 12
Quit Menu 13
Appendices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Environment variables 14
Help 15
Page 2
Shareware distribution gives users a chance to try software
before buying it. If you try a Shareware program and continue
using it, you are expected to register. Individual programs
differ on details -- some request registration while others
require it, some specify a maximum trial period. With
registration, you get anything from the simple right to continue
using the software to an updated program with printed manual.
Copyright laws apply to both Shareware and commercial software,
and the copyright holder retains all rights, with a few specific
exceptions as stated below. Shareware authors are accomplished
programmers, just like commercial authors, and the programs are
of comparable quality. (In both cases, there are good programs
and bad ones!) The main difference is in the method of
distribution. The author specifically grants the right to copy
and distribute the software, either to all and sundry or to a
specific group. For example, some authors require written
permission before a commercial disk vendor may copy their
Shareware is a distribution method, not a type of software. You
should find software that suits your needs and pocketbook,
whether it's commercial or Shareware. The Shareware system makes
fitting your needs easier, because you can try before you buy.
And because the overhead is low, prices are low also. Shareware
has the ultimate money-back guarantee -- if you don't use the
product, you don't pay for it.
DISTRIBUTION LIMITATIONS: This is a copyrighted shareware
program. You have a limited license to try out this soft-
ware on a single computer for a period of 30 days. If you
continue to use the software after this 30-day trial period,
you must become a registered user.
This program is produced by a member of the Association of
Shareware Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that
the shareware principle works for you. If you are unable to
resolve a shareware-related problem with an ASP member by
contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to help. The
ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem with
an ASP member, but does not provide technical support for
members' products. Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at 545
Grover Road, Muskegon, MI 49442 or send a CompuServe message
Page 3
via CompuServe Mail to ASP Ombudsman, 70007,3536.
The program described in this documentation is guaranteed
to do absolutely nothing! It has, however, in my experience
performed essentially as described herein. The author will
not be responsible for any loss or damages caused through
the use of these programs. No warranty, express or implied,
is provided for this software's performance, merchantability,
or fitness for a particular purpose.
All trademarks are property of their respective owners. In
particular, "Power C" is a registered trademark of MIX Software.
The program and documentation are Copyright 1991-193 by Chuck
Steenburgh & Tay-Jee Software. You are encouraged to distribute
these programs provided the conditions specified in the
VENDOR.DOC file are met.
You may evaluate this program for up to 30 days on a free
trial basis. After 30 days, you should register your use of
the program. The registration fee is $19.95, payable to Tay-Jee
Software at the address given below. Please see the file
REGISTER.FRM on the distribution disk/archive.
Registration does have its advantages:
- We are improving the program all the time. Registration
will get you IMMEDIATELY a disk with the latest version.
- You will receive a free copy of Chuck Steenburgh's per-
sonal 'C' function library - more than two dozen useful
additions to your Power C programming library.
- While we can't promise to include everyone's suggestions
in program updates, you can bet we'll listen to registered
users before any of you scrounges out there.
- You will also get evaluation copies of our other shareware
products, including:
* STEENBURGH's STUFF batch file utilities
* BACK SOON! intelligent screen saver
* 6th SENSE utilities for DOS 6.00
* MARGARINE easy text file formatting utility
- Registered users can obtain the source code for the program
at the cost of an additional $10.
Page 4
Send comments/registrations to:
Tay-Jee Software
Post Office Box 835
Lexington, VA 24450
Orders outside North America add $5 shipping. Payment
must be made in U.S. funds, but non-U.S. checks are OK.
On-line registration: CompuServe (GO SWREG), #1180.
(Use #1218 for source code version.)
CIS 72330,1776 (we haunt the IBMSYS and IBMPRO forums)
Now that the semi-legal mumbo-jumbo is out of the way, welcome
to POWER C SHELL Version 2.31. This program began as a simple
aid to Power C programmers and blossomed into a much more am-
bitious project. POWER C SHELL Version 2.31 has the following
- Simplifies editing, compiling, and debugging
of POWER C programs without having to fool with
the DOS command line
- Customizable editor and viewer (use your favorites),
or use the very handy TDE public domain editor in-
cluded in the package
- Customizable compile & link options for Power C
compiler (with help screens to explain them all)
- Interface includes support of Power C Trace inter-
active debugging utility, available separately from
Mix Software.
- Ability to review C.ERR error listing without
leaving the shell
- Test run your executable programs without
leaving the shell
- Easy, one-step loading of complete projects
- Customizable screen colors
Page 5
- Context-sensitive help (although the program is so
simple, I doubt you'll need it)
Page 6
Power C Shell itself requires approximately 140K of free
memory to run. To this amount, however, you must add the
greater of the memory required by your editor, viewer, and
whatever C program you happen to be working on. Power C Shell
remains in memory when these programs are executing. The
Power C compiler, version 2.x, requires about 256K of free
memory. Basically, a 512K machine or better is a safe bet, al-
though you might get by with only 384K available. If you wish
to use Power C Trace with Power C Shell, you will need much more
available memory: 150k for Power C Trace, 140k for Power C
Shell, and whatever memory is required the program which you are
working on.
Running Power C Shell
The syntax for starting Power C Shell is as follows:
PCS2 [filename] [/D-] [/Llibname] [/H]
[filename] optional parameter specifying complete
name of source file to work on
[/D-] optional parameter telling PCS to ignore its
configured starting directory and use the
current directory
[/L] specify additional function library (switch
must be followed by complete library name)
[/H] display a brief help screen
Configuring PCS
=========== ===
Prior to using PCS, you will have to configure it. You may
do this either through the environment variables described in
the appendices or through the Configuration pull-down menu
detailed below. At a minimum, you will need to specify the
name of your editor and any compile options you would like used
with the Power C. You may also want to specify the name of a
text viewer - a program which allows you to view the contents
of an ASCII file - with which to examine the C.ERR file. (You
Page 7
may use the editor for this purpose as well.)
Installing PCS
========== ===
It is recommended, but not necessary, to copy the PCS2.EXE
program file to the same directory containing your Power C com-
piler. If you would like to be able to use PCS from any direc-
tory, make sure the PCS2.EXE file is placed in a subdirectory
contained in your DOS PATH.
If you would like to use the TDE editor with PCS, place the
TDE program files in a directory accessible to PCS. If this
directory is not also on your DOS PATH, you will have to specify
the COMPLETE path for TDE when you configure PCS.
Page 8
Project Board
The main display is divided up into three areas. The largest
area, in the upper left portion of the screen, is the "project
board" which lists information regarding the current project
being worked on.
Space here is used to list all currently open source files
(up to seven), the name of the project make file, the name of
the executable file being linked to, the current working dir-
ectory, the name of any object library specified, and the name
of the project include file.
Memory Management Display
To the right of the "project board" is the memory management
display, showing current allocations of stack, heap, and far
heap memory.
Status Board
In the bottom area of the screen is the "status board." This
area is used to display current Power C Shell settings such as
the name of the editor and viewer and their switches, and any
command line switches in effect for the Power C compiler, link-
er, and trace program.
Other Display Features
The bottom line of the display is used by the passive help
system (described below) and a copyright message. The top line
of the display contains the pull-down menu bar and a real-time
24-hour clock.
Page 9
Files Menu
===== ====
Pressing the Alt-F key combination will activate the Files
pull-down menu, which contains the following options:
Selecting this menu choice will allow you to open a file for
editing and/or compiling. Up to seven files, all belonging to
the same project, may be open at one time in PCS v2.31. After
selecting this item, you'll be asked to enter a wildcard file
specification. The default is *.C; however, you may enter any
value you like. A list of all files matching the entered wild-
card pattern will be displayed in a box centered on the screen.
Using the cursor keys, position the highlight bar over the name
of the file you would like to open and then press <Enter>.
If you open a Power C project file with a .PRJ extension, all
of the associated source files of the project will be opened.
NOTE: This project file MUST be in PCS 2.31 format for this to
work properly. If you open a project file while other files are
open, they will be closed first and then the project will be
If more than one file is open, you will be asked to choose an
"active file." The active file is the file which is loaded by
the "Edit" menu choice described below. Enter the file number
(1-7) of the file which you would like to be active. A pair
of flashing exclamation points appears next to the name of the
active file.
New file
Selecting this menu item will allow you to type the name of a
new C source file on upon which to begin work. Do NOT enter the
name of a project (*.PRJ) file. Again, if multiple files are
open, you will be asked to select the active file.
Selecting this item will allow you to change the active file.
Page 10
Selecting this menu item will invoke your editor and load the
currently active file for editing.
This option allows you to remove a file from the list of
open source files. Type the number of the file you wish to
close in the dialog box. If more than one file remains open,
you will be asked to designate a new active file.
All Close
This option will remove ALL files from the open list.
This option allows you to print one or more files associated
with the current project. In the dialog box that appears, press
"A" to print all source files, "I" to print the project #include
file (*.H), or the number of a single open file. Your printer
must be connected to the standard printer port (usually LPT1). |
If there is an error, PCS will inform you of the nature of the
problem and provide you with the opportunity of correcting it or
aborting the print operation.
This option allows you to change the current working direc-
tory. Enter a drive letter, directory, or complete path, as
appropriate, into the dialog box. Any open files will be closed
upon changing directories.
Info |
Selecting this item calls up a dialog box displaying the pro-|
gram version and other information. In the unregistered version|
you may also print a registration form from this screen. |
Page 11
Operations Menu
========== ====
Pressing the Alt-O key combination activates the Operations
pull-down menu, which contains the following options:
Selecting this item invokes the Power C compiler and compiles
the currently open source file(s). Any compile options speci-
fied through the PCS configuration file or environment variables
will eb in effect for the compilation.
The compile listing will appear on the screen and you will
have the opportunity to view it prior to return to PCS. To pre-
vent the listing from scrolling off the screen, include the
#pragma pagesize preprocessor directive in your program source.
The current project or source file will be linked, using the
options specified through the configuration file or environment
variable. The executable file produced will have the same name
as the first open file, with the extension .EXE.
Selecting this option will invoke your editor and load the
project #include (*.H) file. Using such a file is an easy way
to declare external variables by using the #include file in
supplementary project source code modules.
View C.ERR
This option will invoke your viewer and allow you to see the
contents of the most recent compile listing (contained in the
C.ERR file generated by PC.EXE).
Selecting this menu item will invoke Power C Trace, a program
available separately from Mix Software. The PCT.EXE program
Page 12
must be located in a directory on the DOS PATH, or in the cur-
rent directory. You should also have compiled your program with
the /T switch, and subsequently linked it, prior to running the
trace program.
DOS Shell
This option allows you to return momentarily to the DOS com-
mand line without exiting PCS 2.31. A reminder will appear in
your prompt informing you to type "exit" to return to PCS.
While you are in the DOS Shell, keep in mind that your total
free memory is reduced by approximately 140k.
Configuration Menu
============= ====
Pressing the Alt-C key combination will activate the Con-
figuration pull-down menu, which includes the following op-
Selecting this option will allow you to enter the name of
your editor. In the first dialog box, enter the complete path
and file name of your editor program. In the second dialog box,
enter any command line parameters (switches) required by your
editor, if any. A third dialog box will ask if your editor can
load more than one file from the command line. If your editor
can accept multiple file names, press "Y"; otherwise, press "N".
The editor name and switches will then appear on the appropriate
line in the status area at the bottom of the screen.
This option allows you to configure your viewer program.
Follow the steps above for the editor, this time typing the
path and switches for the viewer. The viewer is used only for
viewing the contents of the C.ERR file from within Power C
Page 13
Compile Options
This option will allow you to select which switches are to be
used by the Power C compiler. The PC.EXE file's help screen
will be displayed and a small dialog box will appear at the bot-
tom of the screen. Enter your choice into the box.
Link Options
This menu choice will allow you to specify link options. A
small help screen explaining the available switches will be
presented. Enter your switch(es) in the dialog box.
Memory Allocations
With this option you can control the size of the stack, heap,
and far heap of your program. Enter values for each of these
items in the dialog box just as you would enter them on the com-
mand line. For example, if you want 16k of memory for the stack
enter "16k"; if you want 800 bytes allocated for the heap, enter
Object Library
Select this option to enter the name of an object file to be
linked as a library. This can be a library of your own creation
or a third-party library. Make use of the "?" wildcard to spec-
ify different library names for the three memory models. For
example, PCS is linked with the library CJSLIBM.MIX, a library
of functions developed by Tay-Jee Software. By entering the
name "CJSLIB?.MIX" as an object library, the files CJSLIBS.MIX,
CJSLIBM.MIX, or CJSLIBL.MIX will be linked depending upon which
memory model is in effect. (See the Power C README file for a
further discussion of libraries and wildcards.)
Trace Options
This option allows you to specify command line arguments for
Power C Trace. A brief desctiption of the available switches is
shown in the dialog box; simply type the switch(es) you wish to
have included on the command line when you use Power C Trace.
Program Colors
Page 14
Selecting this option activates the program color selection
process. Nine screen elements can have their screen attributes
individually configured. Enter the number of the screen color
you wish to modify, then position the flashing star character
over the appropriate color combination, then press <Enter>.
Once you are through selecting colors, press ESC instead of a |
color number. In the dialog box which appears, type U to put |
your newly selected colors into effect, C to ignore the new |
colors and use the colors in currently in effect, or D to
revert to the program's default color scheme. In the unreg-
istered version, while you can change the colors selected, you
cannot save these changes in the configuration file.
Select this option to leave Power C Shell and return to
DOS. Three options are available: "Yes" exits PCS immediately;
"Save" updates the PCSHELL.CFG file with the current settings,
then returns to DOS; and "No" returns you to PCS.
Page 15
Environment Variables
Power C Shell can configure itself through the use of
environment variables. Power C Shell understands the following
environment variables:
PCEDIT: complete path of your editor
PCEDITP: any command line parameters used by your editor
PCVIEW: complete path of your viewer
PCVIEWP: any command line parameters used by your viewer
PCOPTIONS: default compile options to be used by PC.EXE
PCLINK: default link options to be used by PCL.EXE
PCTRACE: default options to be used by PCT.EXE
Environment variables are established by use of the DOS
SET command. To set the name of your viewer to C:\LIST.COM,
simply type the following at the DOS command line:
Use a similar procedure to set the other variables. To
set your default compile options to "/e/ms" (link file, use
small memory model), type the following on the DOS command
If, while entering your environment variables, you get
the message "Out of environment space" or something similar,
you need to edit your CONFIG.SYS file. Look for a state-
ment similar to the following:
SHELL=c:\dos\command.com c:\dos /p
To increase the environment space, change the statement
to something like this:
SHELL=c:\dos\command.com c:\dos /p /e:384
In the example above, 384 is the new number of bytes re-
served for the environment (160 is the default). DOS will
always round this number to a multiple of 16. 384 bytes
should be enough for most users, although you may need more.
The limit is 32,768, although there should never be a need
Page 16
for more than 1 or 2K. See your DOS manual for more de-
tails on setting the environment size. Note that you must
reboot your computer after editing your CONFIG.SYS file for
any changes to take effect.
The PCEDITP and PCVIEWP parameter variables assume that
your editor and viewer accept command line switches AFTER the
filename to edit/view. For example:
<PCEDIT> (filename) <PCEDITP>
edit program.c -x -e
If your editor/viewer only accept parameters and switches
BEFORE the filename, enter them as part of the PCEDIT or
PCVIEW varaibles. For example:
<PCEDIT> (filename)
edit -x -e program.c
you would enter the following command on the DOS command
line prior to starting Power C Shell:
SET PCEDIT=edit -x -e
Environment variables will override any options contained
in the PCSHELL.CFG configuration file.
Context-sensitive help is available from within the PCS
menu system (only). From the main PCS screen, or from within
any pull-down menu, pressing <F1> activates the help system.
A box will appear on the middle of the screen containing the
help information for the currently selected menu operation.
Use the cursor movement keys to scroll the help text up and
down through the box. Pressing <Esc> returns you to PCS.
A passive help system also exists for all menu items. Look
at the bottom line on the screen for a brief description of the
currently highlighted menu item.
A short help line appears for most dialog boxes in PCS. Most
"basic" editing functions, such as Insert/Delete and Backspace
work normally in dialog boxes. In addition, the <Tab> key can
be used to DELETE all information in a dialog box which lies to
the right of the cursor.
Page 17
This document was formatted with MARGARINE 3.11, a utility
program created using Power C 2.2.0 and Power C Shell. Look for
it in IBM Systems/Utilities Forum (IBMSYS) on CompuServe (found
in the New Uploads or General Utilities Library as MARGAR.ZIP).
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